Willards GS Kentucky Bourbon
Makes 2.25 Litres -
A classic Jack Daniels style bourbon. Smokey and full flavoured mineral water, lemon and lime.
Makes 2.25 Litres -
Not your average vodka! forget the Smirnoff rip offs this is something different
Makes 2.25 Litres -
Add contents of this bottle to 2.25 litres of vodka and mix throughly. This is a replacement for Willards GS Queensland Rum.
Willards GS Rum Oak add 5-10ml per litre of spirit, or add to taste
A nice dry Rye whisky, classic flavours.
Makes 2.25 Litres -
A classic English style gin, great with mineral water, lemon and lime.
Makes 2.25 Litres -
A nice Scotch Whisky, smokey flavours with hints of peat.
Makes 2.25 Litres -
A nice malty smokey whisky. Everything you could could expect from a malt whisky is here.
Makes 2.25 Litres -
A dark Molasses Jamaican styled rum.
Makes 2.25 Litres -
Warm and smooth are just a few of the words i would use to describe this brandy. A treat for brandy lovers.
Makes 2.25 Litres -
A nice ‘bacardi’ style white rum.
Makes 2.25 Litres -
This wild duck bourbon is something similar to wild turkey bourbon flavour. Smooth and flavoursome. One of my fav’s
Makes 2.25 Litres -
Another Classisc everything you expect from an Irish Whisky plus more!
Makes 2.25 Litres -
As the name suggests,this is a mature oak flavour, use it for either full whisky profiling or to add an oak flavour to another whisky essence.
Made from genuine American bourbon barrels that have contained actual Bourbon for a minimum of 2-6 years.
Recommended Usage: 50 grams to 2 litres of spirit for 10 days. May contain traces of wheat and barley. Please dispose of packaging thoughtfully. -
A classic style Ouzo.
Makes 2.25 Litres -
This No-Rinse Sanitiser is easy to use, simply add 1.5ml of StellarSan Sanitiser to 1 litre of water, cover all surfaces of the item/s you want sterilised. 1 minute contact time is all it takes to kill all wild yeast, germs or bacteria!!
The StellarSan acid based sanitiser is a high foaming, acid sanitiser with a synergistic blend providing a unique killing system.
The formulation is made to impart no off-odours or flavours.Unlike other sanitisers it is non-staining, non-corrosive on stainless steel and stable over a wide range of temperatures.
This sanitiser comes packaged in a convenient 2 chamber mixer container so you can easily measure the required amount simply by squeezing the bottle. -
Gin Botanical Blend. This blend of juniper berries, coriander seeds, liquorice root and citrus peels make a beautiful authentic Gin.
(To be used in conjunction with the Botanical Basket on the Turbo 500 or Alembic Dome still).
Gin Botanicals
Gin Botanicals is a range that allows you to create your very own blend of homemade gin!
By simply attaching your Botanical Basket (Air Still Infusions Basket with the Air still) to your Air Still, Alembic, or Reflux setup and adding your Gin Botanicals packet of ingredients, you can make this beautiful homemade gin style!
Please note: Use 30 – 35 g of Gin Botanicals when using the Air still and remove saddles first if using a Turbo 500 Condenser.
Gin Botanicals Mint Leaf Gin Style
A blend of juniper berries, citrus peels, coriander seeds, liquorice root and dried mint leaves to distil gin and enjoy any way you like. -
Gin Botanicals
Gin Botanicals is a range that allows you to create your very own blend of homemade gin!
By simply attaching your Botanical Basket (Air Still Infusions Basket with the Air still) to your Air Still, Alembic, or Reflux setup and adding your Gin Botanicals packet of ingredients, you can make this beautiful homemade gin style!
Please note: Use 30 – 35 g of Gin Botanicals when using the Air still and remove saddles first if using a Turbo 500 Condenser.
Gin Botanicals Rosemary Gin Style
A blend of juniper berries, coriander seeds, citrus peels, liquorice root and rosemary to distil gin and enjoy any way you like. -
Use 10g per litre for 10-14 days for that extra great bourbon taste.
Edwards Essences Eduardo’s Mezcal Tequila … Earthy, with deep notes of wild herbs, wet earth and smoked agave
Jim Beam Style. Makes Up 2.25 Litres.
JD Style Bourbon. Makes up 2.25 Litres.
12 year old Smokey Bourbon. Makes Up 2.25 Litres.
A smooth, Aged Queensland Rum. Makes up 1.4 Litres
Bahama Rum – Noble Essences (caribbean White Rum) 50ml
12 Year Malt Whisky. Makes up 1.4 Litres
Connoisseurs Very Old Blanded Whisky. Makes up 2.25 Litres
You can guess what the BB stands for? BLOODY BEAUTIFUL RUM. Add contents to 1100mls of Spirit or Vodka, Age for 14 days or longer and Enjoy.
Marlin Coast Green is a Spectacular Rum Essence, Sourced From a Cairns Local Supplier. Closest Thing to Commercial Bundaberg Rum! Great tasting on its own, Even Better Though if you use in Conjunction with Rum Wood Chips! A Definite Must Try Rum! You’d be Mad Not to Try it! Makes 1.4 Litres.
Marlin Coast Yellow is a Spectacular Rum Essence, Sourced From a Cairns Local Supplier. Exceptionally Smooth and Delicious as is, Even Better Though if you use in Conjunction with Rum Wood Chips! A Definite Must Try Rum! Makes 2.25L
This essence is a favourite Australian Rum!! Makes 2 x 700ml bottles
Samuel Willards Butterscotch Schnapps Makes Up 1.125 Litres.
Samuel Willards Chocolate Rum Makes Up 1.125 Litres.
Samuel Willards Coconut Rum Makes Up 1.125 Litres.
According to legend this drink has its origins in the Caribbean dating back to the 17th century.
Samual Willards Creme De Cacao Makes Up 1.125 Litres.
Samuel Willards Irish Cream Makes Up 1.125 Litres.
Made in Australia this will make 1.125l of Liqueur when mixed with water, alcohol or Vodka, sugar & Glucose. Mexican coffee liqueur.
(Needs Samual Willards Base) -
Typical Melon Liqueur along the style of Medori
Samual Willards Sambuca Nero Requires A Liqueur and Schnapps Base. This Product Makes Up 1.125 Litres.
Add 50ml Sam Willards Triple Sec Essence to a 1125ml bottle. Then add 275ml Sam Willards Liqueur Base No.3. Top up the 1125ml bottle with 800ml alcohol @ 40%.
De-foaming Agent which when added to your wash in the still boiler before distilling, releases carbon dioxide and stops foaming of unfermented sugars during distillation.
90ml Bottle. -
A high alcohol & temperature tolerant dual function yeast complete with needed nutrients. Yields up to 14% alcohol in just 24 hours. Still best to ferment out for 5-7 days.
Yeast used with 6 kg of sugar and ferments between 20-30 degrees.
Carbon Pack to suit Vertaflow Filter.
A Queensland rum with rich liquorice notes! Makes 2.25 litres.
Top quality Philippines rum! Makes 2.25 litres.
The White Rum of the tropics.